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Cash Flow Management


The process of planning a company's schedule for paying bills and estimating when income is likely to be received. Cash flow management helps a company avoid damaging its relationship with creditors by not paying bills on time and being forced into bankruptcy and out of Business.

We will help you in understanding you businesses cash needs and the various sources available to you for meeting them. If running a business meant only worrying about money coming in everyone would do it. Finding yourself with more cash flowing out of your business than flowing in causes more than stress – it can result in angry creditors and suppliers and the potential for your business to fail.

Bank Financing

More than likely, you'll need an excellent business credit score as well as good personal credit to qualify for an SBA loan or traditional loan from a bank; this will depend on the individual lender and business factors such as your revenue, cash flow and time in business

If you are looking for funding for a business expansion or to facilitate new growth, we will assist you ensuring that the needed paperwork for your business loan application is complete and correct. 


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